After We Fell (Falling Fast #1.5) Read online

Page 2

  “Happy?” He kissed me again.

  “Very. I can't believe we pulled it off in such a short timeframe.”

  “My mom can move mountains if she wants something bad enough. You’re mine now. For the rest of our lives, you’re mine.” He hugged me tight, unwilling to let me out of his embrace.

  “I love you.” I sighed and leaned against him. The steady beat of his heart was like music to me.

  Sadie barged through the door. “Come on, we need to take pictures.”

  There went our quiet moment. “Okay, we’re coming.” I reluctantly pulled out of his arms and took his hand.

  The pictures were insane. Ruth had hired some famous photographer who I had never heard of but everyone told me was a huge deal. It took at least an hour to get through everything, and as tiring as it was, I knew we would have some beautiful shots to look at.

  The wedding planner had everyone lined up outside the gigantic white tent that was at the side of the house.

  Julian and Sadie were laughing in front of us, and I wondered how long it would be before they started getting serious. I stopped that train of thought, and remembered how young we all were; Levi and I were for sure the exception.

  We waited as each couple was announced. Julian winked at me with a grin before sweeping Sadie off her feet and dancing into the tent when they were called.

  “Typical Julian.” Levi grinned.

  “For the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Levi and Becca Klein!”

  We danced into the reception to “Not a Bad Thing” by Justin Timberlake and swept into our first dance. Levi twirled me around the dance floor, and I felt like I was in a dream. This day, this man, could not be more perfect.

  After everyone had been seated, Levi and Ruth took to the floor for the mother and son dance. I could only smile as I watched them together. That was love. Chad and I were now a part of that love.

  “May I have this dance?” Samuel Klein stood in front of me and held out his hand. He was so handsome in his tux, an older version of Levi.

  This hadn’t been planned, and since I didn’t have a dad, I was just planning to ignore it. They had seen it another way, and I was glad.

  As we stepped out onto the floor, he twirled me in an elegant waltz. My life felt more than complete.

  “We’re so happy you’re a part of the family now.” He grinned down at me.

  “I am too. I couldn’t ask for better in-laws, and the way you are with Chad is amazing. We both love guys you so much.” I let myself enjoy the moment, not scared of getting attached like I would have been in the past.

  Levi cut in after a few minutes and I was once again content to lay my head against his chest and listen to his beating heart.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking?” he murmured into my hair.

  “That I can't believe this is my life. It feels like a dream to me.” I looked up into his eyes, and my heart melted at the tenderness in his gaze.

  “Forever. It’s you and me forever, baby.” He tipped my chin up and kissed me softly.

  We danced for another few songs, joined by our family and friends. It was finally time for my special surprise for Levi. I had choreographed something just for him. I excused myself and motioned for Sadie and Caroline to come with me. We slipped out of the tent and into the house.

  The girls helped me out of my gown, and Caroline held out the beautiful white tutu and leotard I had gotten just for this. After I was mostly dressed, they left me alone to stretch out a bit.

  Alone with my thoughts again, I stretched my muscles, enjoying the familiar movements. The beautiful thing about ballet to me would always be the movement and the feeling of freedom. But it no longer was my escape; I had nothing to escape from anymore. Levi had chased away all my darkness, and all that was left was light.

  The hair team came back in and piled my waves into a bun at the top of my head. I reveled in the familiarity of all of it. I grabbed my pointe shoes and followed the others down the stairs and back out to the tent. Just before going in, I put them on and laced them up.

  “Excuse me.” Sadie’s voice rang out over the sound system. “Becca has something special prepared for her new husband. If you’ll direct your attention to the dance floor.”

  Her voice faded out as the first notes of “Unconditionally” by Katy Perry filtered out through the speakers. I had chosen the song because it was a perfect fit for how Levi made me see myself. I wanted him to know just how profoundly he had changed my life. I finally loved myself the way he loved me.

  Everyone else disappeared except him and me. I saw him standing at the edge of the floor as I began to dance. My movements started out small because that’s how I used to see myself, small. I had wanted to be invisible so many times, to fade into the background of life so people wouldn’t see how terrified I was.

  As I leaped across the floor and into a series of turns, I felt free. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I danced. I wanted him to see how he brought me to life, how he opened up my heart. Toward the end of the song, I motioned for him to join me on the floor and made him a prop to my dancing. I used his hand to hold my leg and dipped into a deep arabesque, my head almost touching the floor. I held out a hand and took his in mine, bringing his fingers to my lips. To share this moment with him made my heart sing.

  When the music ended and the lights came back on, I saw not a dry eye in the place. Levi tipped my chin up and looked in my eyes.

  “Thank you for that. That you shared something so special and profound with me was amazing. I know what your dancing is to you, and I’ll always let you fly as high as you want. I’ll always love you unconditionally, Becca. Always.” He crushed his mouth against mine.

  We escaped up to the house alone, blessedly alone. My reception dress was hanging on the back of the door in my room. Levi sat on the bed and watched as I peeled down my leotard, revealing my breasts. I could feel the blush creep up my cheeks and across my chest under the intensity of his gaze.

  “You’re staring,” I whispered.

  “I know.” His voice was thick, husky.

  I audibly swallowed. It had been literally months since we had been alone like this together. After school had ended, the days of us being able to sneak off were gone. I was at ballet constantly, and when I wasn't, we were planning the wedding. There had been no time alone for us. Ruth was strict about us not sharing a room in her house, which was fine. It felt disrespectful to me to share his bed under her roof before our vows.

  “I’ve been dreaming about your naked body for months, Becca.” He took a step toward me, and I was suddenly nervous.

  “There’s no time right now for this, but God, I wish there was.” He ran a finger along my collarbone.

  “We should get back,” I murmured against his lips as his fingers curved around my waist.

  “Should we?” He held me tighter. His fingers skimmed across the bare skin of my back. I sucked in a breath as he slid my leotard the rest of the way down.

  “Amazing,” he said reverently. “Mine.”

  Ruth’s voice interrupted us. “Are you guys coming back?”

  “Just a minute!” My voice sounded too cheery even to my own ears. I swear I had heard a soft chuckle from outside the door before her footsteps receded.

  “Perfect timing, Mom.” Levi groaned and pulled away from me. “I guess we should get back then, right? It wouldn’t be acceptable to sneak off for the wedding night right now, would it?” He helped me undress the rest of the way and then slip into my lace reception dress.

  “Probably not. Your parents would kill us with all the money they spent on everything.” I sighed and touched up my makeup in the mirror.

  A moment later, we were headed back down the stairs and out into the cool night air. This day really had been perfect, more so than I could have dreamed.

  “There you are!” Sadie grabbed our hands and pulled us back into the tent. The music was blaring, and laughter filled the air.

  We joined our friends on
the floor and danced, and I enjoyed every single second of it. I committed it to memory; the sounds surrounding me, and the feeling of it.

  “Are you excited for the honeymoon?” Caroline asked during a break in the dancing.

  “So excited. Two weeks in a tropical location, just the two of us. I’ve been dreaming about it all summer.”

  “If anyone deserves a break, it’s you. I’ve never known someone who pushes themselves harder than you do. You had better do nothing but relax while you’re there.”

  “Believe me, that’s the only thing I have on the books.” Well, not the only thing. Levi caught my eye from a few feet away, and the heat in his stare made my stomach fall to my feet.

  Hours later, after the party had begun to die down, we were making our exit. Bags were being loaded into a limo, and Ruth stood by with tears in her eyes and Samuel holding her hand.

  “I think we’re ready.” Levi put an arm around my waist and pressed his lips to mine gently. “Mom, Dad, thank you for everything. This day was truly amazing.”

  “It really was.” I nodded.

  “We love you both so much. Call us when you get to your hotel after the flight tomorrow?” Ruth dabbed at her eyes.

  “Promise we will.” Levi let go of me long enough for both of us to hug his parents.

  We walked through a line of our friends and family cheering us on. Chad caught my eye and blew me a kiss. I mouthed ‘I love you’ and pressed a hand to my heart. Levi held the limo door open for me as I slid in then proceeded to sit beside me before closing us in. As the car began to move, I didn’t think it was possible for me to be happier.

  Levi had chosen a hotel near the airport. I didn’t even notice the name as we walked quickly through the lobby and into the elevator. All I cared was that it had a bed and a shower; nothing else mattered.

  Following tradition, he swept me up into his arms and carried me over the threshold. “This is home for the night, and the first of many thresholds I’ll carry you over.”

  After he had set me down, I looked around the room a bit. A huge bed took up one wall, and a fireplace was across from it. The sound of shoes being kicked off brought me back to attention.

  Levi, my husband. My gorgeous husband. He licked at his lower lip as I stepped out of my own shoes and took a step toward him. Nerves got to me, but I couldn’t tell you why. We’d had sex before, been naked in front of each other. This just felt like more somehow.

  He shrugged out of his coat and loosened his tie, dropping it to the floor as he inclined his head in my direction.

  My turn. It was like that, was it? I smiled and took the pins from my hair, letting my waves tumble down my back and turned around for him to unzip me. I felt his fingers graze my neck, brushing my hair aside, and heard the zipper slowly being lowered. I shivered as he slipped the straps down my shoulders and it pooled around my ankles.

  I stepped away before he could go for my bra. “Your turn.” My voice was husky. Where had this sex kitten come from?

  His eyes darkened and he stepped away. He had my full attention as he slowly undid the buttons on his shirt, letting it fall open. I watched as the muscles of his toned stomach and chest rippled while he let the shirt fall to the ground. I wanted to run my hands along his skin, but that wasn’t the game we were playing. That would come later.

  I wanted to give him a show. I lifted my hands to the delicate fabric of my bra, my breasts aching to be touched, licked, worshiped. We had waited so many months for this; he needed to enjoy it as much as I would. My fingers skimmed along the delicate cups and down the curve of my hips. His eyes tracked my every movement, riveted. I felt lit from within from the adoration of his gaze.

  “You want me to keep going?” I whispered.

  “If you stop now, I think I may die of spontaneous combustion. I need to see the rest of you, Becca. Need to.” He took a step toward me, but I held up a hand and stopped him. The hunger in his eyes made my stomach quiver.

  “Just watch for now.” I licked my lips, letting the sex kitten out even more. I unhooked my bra and held it in place with one arm before pulling it away with the other hand leaving myself covered by only an arm. I turned around slowly and let my hands drop to my sides before hooking my thumbs in my panties and sliding them down my legs, bending all the way over to reach my feet so I could step out of them and give him one hell of a show in the process.

  I finally turned to face him forcing myself to leave my hands at my sides. The hiss of his breath was the only sound in the room. Time stood still for me as he undid his belt and unzipped his pants. I followed his pants as they fell to the floor; his boxer briefs joined them a second later.

  We stood apart for a moment, committing each other’s bodies to memory, taking in every line.

  “Come here.” He held a hand out for me. I erased the distance between us and felt the glorious heat of his skin against mine.

  I thought I knew what to expect with him since we’d been together before, but this, this was different.

  Every touch felt brand new to me as if we had never done this before. His lips on my skin were like heaven. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  Levi had thought of everything. I woke up the morning after the wedding to room service being wheeled into our suite. The delicious scent of coffee got me up and moving long before I really wanted to.

  “Come on, lazy bones. We have a plane to catch.”

  “No, we don’t.” I groaned as I swung my legs off the bed. “Your parents own the plane, so we can leave when we want.” To say that I wasn’t a morning person on days when I could sleep in would have been putting it lightly.

  “Good point, but we still have a schedule to stay on.” He dropped a kiss on my cheek as he handed me a steaming mug of coffee. “Lots of cream, just the way you like it.”

  “I knew I married you for more than just the awesome sex.” I winked and took a big sip.

  “Drink your coffee and then go get a shower.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine before heading into the bathroom. I held the delicate mug in my hand and inhaled the delicious aroma. The rings on my finger caught my eye in the morning light. A year ago, I was so lost. It was hard to believe this was my life now. I was someone’s wife. I had a family who loved me.

  I sat in the quiet room for a few more minutes drinking my coffee before Levi stuck his head out of the bathroom and beckoned me in.

  After the most inefficient shower of my life, we fell on the bed in a pile of slippery limbs. I let my mouth follow the path of a few drops of water as they slipped down his stomach.

  “If you keep that up, we’ll miss our flight and never leave the hotel.” He tried for reproachful, but it didn’t work.

  “Mmm?” I continued to lick down his stomach.

  “Becca, I’m serious.” His tone was anything but serious.

  “You really want me to stop?” I looked up, my eyes full of lust.

  “No, but we need to get going. Besides, we’ll have plenty of time to play on the plane.” He wiggled out from under me and went to get dressed. I watched in appreciation as the towel dropped from his waist—the curve of his ass was mouthwatering.

  When it was clear that getting dressed was the only thing on the agenda, I got up and rummaged through my overnight bag to find what Sadie had packed for me. Breathing an immense sigh of relief at finding normal looking clothes, I put on a pair of jean shorts and a gauzy tank top.

  We finished breakfast and I snuck in another cup of coffee before we were off to the airport. Once we were on the plane, he finally told me we were heading to the Bahamas. Ruth and Samuel had booked us into the Sapphire Suite at the Cove Atlantis.

  During the flight, we snuggled under a blanket watching movies and talking about the previous day’s events. The wedding had been a whirlwind of activity. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t remember everything.

  “What was your favorite part of the day?” I asked, my head against his chest listening to the steady thump of his heart. />
  “Seeing you walk toward me. You took my breath away. I have never seen a woman look the way you did. You were like an angel, a sexy angel.” His finger traced the line of my jaw.

  I laughed at the last bit. “My dress was amazing, and exactly what I wanted from the start. You looked so handsome in your tux; it took everything in me not to sprint down the aisle to get to you. I barely heard what the preacher was saying because I couldn’t stop looking at you.” I turned my face up for a kiss.

  “I know what you mean. The whole ceremony is kind of a blur to me.”

  The plane taxied down on the small runway a couple of hours later, and we emerged into bright sunshine under a heavenly blue sky. A smiling man in a hotel uniform met us and ushered us into the waiting limo while he took care of our bags.

  “Is this real life?” I pressed my face to the window, not wanting to miss anything. The water was a brilliant turquoise blue, and much to my surprise, a pod of dolphins was playing in the waves along the shore.

  “I always want to give you this feeling.” He pressed my fingers to his lips.

  There was no doubt he meant it. I knew him; he would go to the ends of the earth to make me smile.

  “I love you.” I said the words on a sigh, feeling intensely dreamy.

  “I know you do, and I love you back.” He tightened the arm he had around my shoulder and pulled me against him. “Now, tell me, are you ready for the adventure of your life?”

  I was ready for anything, as long as he was with me

  Chapter 2

  Classes started a few weeks after we got back from our honeymoon. Our last weeks of freedom were spent moving into our new condo. Buying furniture, getting class schedules and books—it was a crazy time.

  I was also going to be returning to Gwen’s studio to teach a few classes a week. I didn’t need to, but the joy of dance wasn’t something I wanted to lose. The kids were the best. It was rewarding in a way I hadn’t expected.

  I’d never lived with a boy other than Chad, and it was certainly an adjustment. For the first week, we tried not to annoy each other—both on our best behavior—but that hadn't lasted long. Now, we were in the midst of getting used to each other’s weird habits.